How I Discovered the Secret to Helping My Allergies and Skin Problems

How I Discovered the Secret to Helping My Allergies and Skin Problems


by Lisa Carlson


Monday, August 5th, 2024 |

For the past 5 years, my skin problems and allergies have been a nightmare. I’d already seen three different dermatologists about my persistent acne and eczema, but they said there was nothing they could do short of prescribing strong medications.

All three of the doctors ended up telling me to just continue using over-the-counter creams and antihistamines daily – which barely helped relieve any symptoms and I knew would have long-term side effects. I’m not sure what I did to deserve all these problems. I didn’t use harsh skincare products or eat junk food daily. The only thing I did when younger was get a bit too much sun.

At 64 years old, just before I retired, I started feeling a slight tinge of irritation on my skin. Nothing too bad, but as the years went on it got worse and worse and recently it’s been to the point where I have to constantly cancel plans with my friends and family because of my breakouts. I could barely sleep at night without waking up itching or sneezing.

I thought my retirement years would be busy with me playing with my grandchildren, going on vacations to Italy and France and seeing the world. Instead, I’m practically confined to the house watching old reruns of The Mary Tyler Moore Show and I Dream of Jeannie.


But I wasn’t about to give up, so I searched for unconventional answers.

I invested in expensive air purifiers, started dusting my room daily, and washing my sheets twice a week. But everything would just help temporarily and then the symptoms would come roaring back…

Not only that, but these things were costing me thousands of dollars a year, and for what?! For a few short days of relief from the agonizing symptoms?

I was about to throw in the towel and schedule a more aggressive treatment like photodynamic therapy (PDT). Sure, I’d heard some horror stories about PDT causing severe side effects like skin redness, swelling, and even blistering. But that was really rare, right? I googled it, and found that 2% to 5% of PDT treatments can lead to complications and that doesn’t include the fact that sometimes the treatment actually makes the symptoms end up being worse.

Not sure I liked those odds… But after trying all these different things, I still decided to schedule an appointment with a specialist for more aggressive PDT therapy.

In the meantime, my niece was getting married in March and of course wanted my husband and me to attend the wedding. I rarely go to weddings anymore because of my allergies and skin issues, but I couldn’t miss this one, she would never forgive me.

So we booked an Airbnb for the weekend, and let me tell you, I’m so glad we did…

How A Cozy AirBNB Stay Changed Everything For Me

We arrived at the Airbnb, and it was a charming little place with a cozy bedroom. The first night, I noticed something incredible. I slept through the night without waking up itching or sneezing. My husband also mentioned how well he slept, which was unusual for him.

The next morning, I looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe my eyes. My skin looked radiant, and the usual redness and irritation were much better. Throughout the weekend, I felt more energetic and comfortable than I had in years. When we attended the wedding, strangers couldn’t believe I was in my 60s. They said I looked so much younger!

I was curious about what made such a difference, so I looked into the details of our stay. That’s when I discovered the secret: the sheets on the bed were Miracle SheetsI did a quick search and found out that they were anti-allergenic, temperature regulating bed sheets.